Monday, December 7, 2009

Photos of my neighbourhood

Good morning to all readers, it's 8.46 am, and what a cool weather we are all having this morning! I came up with an idea and thought of sharing a few pictures of my neighbourhood, and see what my neighbourhood looked like in this cold morning. Enjoy looking at these pics.

Lookout for new posts. See ya.


Bruneians might know who these are. Wanna see how they look like? There's 'plenty' of them near the Yayasan complex.
The word Poklen derives from the word Portland. Portland is somewhere in England? There was something going on there. Long time ago, there was a football team which actually came from Portland. The locals really hated them (the players). And thus, until this day, in Brunei, the 'Wannabes' are usually being called as Poklens, Poklands, or whatever...

Wanna know how they dress themselves up? They'll usually dress up as 'Gangstas'. Otherwise, they will walk in groups. They'll try to walk as if they were 'Badass' and try to act so cool, that their heads are even lower than their shoulders. They'll show off their angry look. When talking, they usually talk in groups, and their topic is mainly about girls, and not afraid to speak it up in the public, of course.

That's all folks!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I'll try to post something new each day. since I haven't updated my blog since months ago. In fact, this is my third blog. Oh wait, did I mention that already? Nevermind.
Nothing special happened today so far... Except for me revising mathematics for an hour, just few minutes ago. With my mom.
My parents brought home a small bucket. Filled with loads of Tangerines. Sweet...sweet.. Tangerines. Just ate one. I'm gonna get the second one. Here here Tangerines~
Why did I write in paragraphs, anyway? It's not like I'm writing a compostion, I'm just writing random stuffs. What do you call those in school... "Brainstorms"? I'd say 'LOL' to them.
See me in the next post.

A Story

I remember spending my time with my best friends and great buddies. Fooling around like hell, and tell jokes, we all laughed so hard... such sweet moments. I just hope we all never forget about each other.. and always remember each of us, not forgetting to learn our mistakes and never to do them again.
There was one time in school, I was drawing a random picture of a huge, dark tree with no leaves, only twigs, branches and stuff. Then at some point, I came up with an idea. I remembered that on the last day we were having our history class, we learned about Sultan Hashim, whose land was being taken by a person who represents the British government, James Brooke. Or was it Charles Brooke? I'm not so sure. But then at one time, the British was about to take both the Belait District and the Tutong district. Then here's what Sultan Hashim told the British goverment, "I will be like a tree, only left with twigs and branches, what will happen to my descendants?". From that story, I can relate Sultan Hashim's saying of a tree left with twigs and branches, with my drawing of a tree, which was a coincedence! So then, after doing the finishing touch, I wrote an excerpt from Sultan Hashim's dialogue to the British by the side of the tree. I stuck it on the notice board at the back of my class, in order to let the others see my interests in art, and be able to know how I can relate art to any subjects.
The next history class has finally arrived, and hopefully, out history teacher, Mr. Suresh, will go and see my drawing of the tree. And see how he can relate my drawing to one of the things we have learnt on the previous class, like I did! And so he did too, he said to me that he appreciated it, and guess what? He really admired it! I know I'd love to hear such compliment from him, as well as from other teachers. On the very next day, I did the same thing. And so the other day, and the next, and the next!
I guess that's all for now, sorry if you had trouble reading them all. Maybe if you wanna know the rest of the stories, you can make a request by commenting on this post. Stay tuned for more post. See ya!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Here's one. It isn't very good, it's the best I can do. Sorry if there are any mistakes and errors.

Lol I'm too lazy to post more. See y'all later.

Seriously, this is the third blog I have created so far. The reason is - believe it or not - I forgot my password. I have no idea of how I can possibly forget my password like for the third time. In the future , hopefully I won't forget my password, ever again. Tata :3~
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